Monday, March 28, 2016

Journal #7 -- Reflect on Your Problem / Solution Paper

First of all, let me congratulate you for your part in the poster session on March 24! I was impressed by and proud of your performance. For one of your journal entries this week, you should reflect on your problem / solution paper.

Write at least one full paragraph about your research paper. Here are some questions to consider:

  • What, specifically, did you learn from the research paper process (brainstorming topics, researching, taking notes, formulating a thesis and outline, drafting, citing sources, and finalizing the paper)?
  • A weakness I noticed overall in the research papers was a lack of specific information about solutions to the problems. Is your final draft strong in this regard?
  • If you teacher allows it, do you plan to revise your paper and resubmit it for a higher score? Why or why not?
  • What will you do differently the next time you write a research paper?


  1. I specifically learned from my problem solution paper, that taking organized notes is extremely important because it helps your overall paper and poster be much better and more professional. Another thing I learned from preparing this paper was how to formulate a thesis and an outline. It again helped with the organization of the paper because if your thesis wasn't good that often means your whole paper will be a mess. To be honest by solution wasn't extremely strong but after a few times of getting help and learning from my mistakes I found a great solution for my paper. My teacher has allowed us honors students to revise and edit our work to make it better and improved and I am taking advantage of that because I want the best possible score I can get and I want my full effort into making my essay the best it can be. The next time I write a research paper I will spend more time making it detailed and I will have people edit it before turning it in.

  2. While working on my problem solution project I learned that keeping my note cards numbered to match my bibliography was very important. I also learned that you don't need to take a lot of notes while reading an article, just the basic ideas. I also learned that you might need to right your body paragraphs before you make your introduction and conclusion. I think I lacked some of the specifics when I talked about my solution. If Mr. Kramer allows us to fix our paper I will go back through it because it's an easy way to get a few points back, and I think it would be good to work on some of the things that I lacked the first time to learn from them. Next time I am going to start working on it right away and be more organized.

    1. When I wrote my essay I also wrote my body paragraphs before my intro and conclusion because I found it easier to do it that way. What will you add in your paper if you get to do it over? What kind of specific details will you add?

    2. I've never written my body paragraphs before my intro and conclusion. I might try that next time we write an essay.

  3. From the problem/solution project, I learned that there is a lot of work is needed in order to write a research paper. A specific part I had in writing my paper was researching. I could not find exactly what I wanted until I was given help. Another problem I had was writing my rough draft. I did not know how I wanted to set my paper up and I did not know what all to put in there to reach the thousand word requirement. In my final draft, I feel I did a good job at providing specific solutions for my problem. If I were given the opportunity to revise my paper, I would revise my paper and attempt to receive a higher score because I could learn how to better write a research paper and receive a higher grade. The next time I write a research paper, I will evenly distribute my time in order to complete it before it is due.

    1. I think it was also hard to set up my paper I wasn't quite sure how to word things while trying to get the thousand words.

  4. While working on my problem and solution I learned many different things have to come in to write a paper. I learned that you need many little subtopics to make your story long and interesting. I also learned taking good valuable notes saying what site you got it from is very helpful in the end doing in-text citations. I also learned that starting with one big idea and going from there will help when writing a long research paper. I learned that you also need to leave enough time to finalize your work and edit it to the best of your ability. One thing my paper lacked was research in my solution. I will resubmit my paper if I am able to because now I know what I need to work on. I will do the same strategies I used for this one next time doing a paper.

    1. when you were writing your paper the first time, was there a certain reason you missed the research part?

  5. Through writing this paper I realised that the research is very crucial. It needs to be relevant and you also need to be able to get your point across to the audience from the specific research. Another important thing, is you need a strong thesis. If you don’t have a strong thesis, you won’t be able to back it up very easily which will make the paper seem weaker. In my paper I believe that I covered my solution to the issue I chose fairly well. I described it in detail and explained ups and downs to it. Depending on the score I receive, I would possibly revise it to get some points back because I want my work to be the best it can be. In my next research paper I will try to get better information from my research. The facts and statistics that I found varied and branched out more than it should have. Next time I want to be able to focus more on the main point in order to make my essay more clear and organized.

  6. Writing the research paper helped in many aspects. It helped me take notes from the source and how to make a correct bibliography. It taught me how important crediting your sources are and how to do just that while writing the paper. Creating a thesis for a the solutions was kind of hard,mostly because of how long the thesis becomes. My solutions and problems were not super specific and is an area that I definitely need to improve. I plan to revise my paper, and I don't see why someone would let an offer for a better grade go to waste.

  7. I think having a good topic that has a feasible solution is vitally important when writing a paper. Also, I think having strong, correct bibliography cards helps a lot and make it a lot easier when you're able to almost use the cards as an outline. It helped me organize my paper and organize my information. I do think though that I could've been more specific about my list of solutions. Though I do believe I did good on statistics, I think I could've showed more of the impact of the statistics. I don't plan on revising my paper because I believe I did good on it and I'm very proud of my work. Though I believe there is room for improvement, I think my paper was successful for goal.

  8. While writing my essay I learned that it is easier to write the body paragraphs before the intro and conclusion. I find this easier because you can see what your thesis' are and how to shape the intro and conclusion to match your body. In the solution I wrote about two possible solutions. One I found a solution I found an ample amount of info, the other not so much. I feel that I could've look more in depth into both solutions just as much. I have revised my paper to help me understand for future reference what a solid research paper looks like. For the next research paper I do, I will utilize my time and do more in depth research to help get my point across more fluently. Lastly, I would do more solid note taking with notecards so I can organize easier

  9. While writing the problem solution paper I really learned on how to cite other people’s findings and research within my paper. Not only did I learn this throughout writing my paper but looking through the corrected paper I have now seen some problems within the cited information and I have now learned what I have done wrong. Within citing my information I seemed to have accidentally mix up the way that you would stated and source the cited information. For example, some information relating to the topic would be before actual evidence or cited information. My final draft however had much information relating to my solution itself but lacked in solutions being made or solutions that are in effect today. Most solutions stated where in the past years, most before 2000. I did plan on revising my paper and submitting it for a higher score but I never really got around to it. It was a high enough score for my liking and I did go over the graded notes and errors checked by Thieben and have already learned much of my mistakes through that. Next time that I write a research paper I plan on making sure to have enough research and cited information to cover all of the points within an assignment.

  10. I think the poster project was a good thing for all the students that were in honors English because it made them step out of the comfort zones. At first it was very hard, trying to decide what to say to them and not be rude when they disagreed. But the further you got with talking to them the easier it became and the words just ended up flowing out of your mouth. The hardest thing was probably not getting nervous and talking loud enough for them to hear over all the noise.

  11. From constructing my problem/solution paper, I learned that making an outline is extremely helpful. It saved a lot of time with setting up my rough draft. I did my best to make my solution realistic, although I could have tried to find a better way to solve the problem. We are allowed to revise our paper, although I didn't take this opportunity because I didn't feel there was much that needed revision and I was happy with my overall grade on the paper. Next time I write a research paper I will make sure to spend more time on different sources and try to do better with summarizing them.

  12. I learned quite a bit about research resources. I didn't know how useful Google News and Google research were. They really helped me find reliable sources. Taking the notes in the way we were suppose to really helped too, because then all I had to do was put similar topics together. Once all of that was taken care of, it was easy to actually write the essay and make it look nice. I know that my essay was weak in regard to preexisting solutions to my problem. There are efforts to solve violence, however, I didn't find them effective so, I didn't really mention them in my paper. I'm not sure if I would revise my paper and resubmit it for a higher score, it really depends on what score I got. I'm quite happy with how my paper turned out. Only thing I would probably do differently is to have more people check and proof read my essay before I turn it in.

  13. I learned quite a bit about research resources. I didn't know how useful Google News and Google research were. They really helped me find reliable sources. Taking the notes in the way we were suppose to really helped too, because then all I had to do was put similar topics together. Once all of that was taken care of, it was easy to actually write the essay and make it look nice. I know that my essay was weak in regard to preexisting solutions to my problem. There are efforts to solve violence, however, I didn't find them effective so, I didn't really mention them in my paper. I'm not sure if I would revise my paper and resubmit it for a higher score, it really depends on what score I got. I'm quite happy with how my paper turned out. Only thing I would probably do differently is to have more people check and proof read my essay before I turn it in.

  14. I learned it’s a really long, time consuming process, and that a lot more thought and effort goes into it than I initially thought. The research was really difficult to find, but I’m not sure whether this was my fault for not looking harder or if there really weren’t many results when I searched. I feel my solution could have had more detail, but I feel it’s specific enough to get the point across and explain how one could help. I would appreciate another shot, since I actually learned more about my topic and how aspects of it needed to be organized just by doing the poster. Next time I’ll search harder, and I’ll choose a topic I know more about if I’m given the option.

  15. I agree, a solution that is too general is not very feasible. A solution without detail is often weak and many problem can arise.

  16. The paper took a lot longer to write than I believed it would. I had to fit time in during classes and such to finish writing it. I learned I need to make stronger note cards next time in order to complete it without the rush. I would redo the paper for a higher score and I would spend more time on the research.

  17. The paper took a lot longer to write than I believed it would. I had to fit time in during classes and such to finish writing it. I learned I need to make stronger note cards next time in order to complete it without the rush. I would redo the paper for a higher score and I would spend more time on the research.
